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您现在的位置:网站首页 > 灯珠 > 大功率 > CREE灯珠 > XBD > XBDGRN
  • 制造商:CREE
  • 编 号:10001021040-04335
  • 描 述:XBDGRN-0-G20-Q20-00-0002
  • 最小包装:1000
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The XLamp® XB-D LeD brings next-generation performance, price and size to all LeD lighting applications. The XB-D’s footprint enables smaller designs with densely packed arrays for better light mixing and concentration.


The XB-D shares common footprint and uniform package design across all white and color configurations, simplifying board and optical designs for many LeD systems. The XB-D is optimized to dramatically lower system cost in any illumination application, from indoor and outdoor lighting to architectural and transportation lighting.

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