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您现在的位置:网站首页 > 灯珠 > COB > CREE灯珠 > CXB > CXB1512
  • 制造商:CREE
  • 编 号:10001232063-02741
  • 描 述:CXB1512-30G-N2-N0H-00001
  • 最小包装:100
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The XLamp® CXB1512 LeD Array is a member of the second generation of the CXA family that delivers up to 30% higher efficacy and up to 20% higher lumens than the first generation in the same LeS. The higher performance second generation CXA LeD Arrays provide a drop-in performance upgrade to existing CXA LeD designs to shorten product development time. In addition, the CXB LeDs also allow lighting manufacturers to achieve the same or better performance with a smaller LeS, enabling a smaller, more impactful luminaire. Available in 2-step, 3-step and 5-step easyWhite® bins, the CXB1512 LeD delivers high lumen output and high efficacy in a single, easytouse package that eliminates the need for reflow soldering.


The CX Family LeD Design Guide provides basic information on the requirements to use the CXB1512 LeD successfully in luminaire designs.

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