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您现在的位置:网站首页 > 灯珠 > 中功率 > LUMILEDS灯珠 > LUXEON 3030 > LUXEON 3030 2D
  • 制造商:LUMILEDS
  • 编 号:10006011014-04600
  • 描 述:L130-4070004000W21-P5DG
  • 最小包装:5000
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DS207 LUXEON 3030 2D Product Datasheet ©2016 Lumileds Holding B.V. All rights reserved. No. E352519
LUXEON 3030 2D is the first hot-color targeted mid power LED.
Hot-color targeting ensures that the LEDs are within color targ et at
application conditions—85°C. Using an industry standard packaging
of 3.0mm x 3.0mm x 0.5mm and 6V surface-mount emitter solution,
LUXEON 3030 2D comes in all ANSI CCTs and delivers the efficacy a nd
reliability required for indoor illumination markets.
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